Syok jgk td tgk wyg cite The Green Hornet 3D

asl plan nk tgk cite Khurafat ptg tuh...pastu piki2 blek sbb lmbt sgt..juz pospon ar tgu mlm..elok2 smp kt Aneka nk tgk cite Khurafat, kak tuh kte x men plak ary tuh...addess..trpkse ar tkar plan last2 mnit...mle2 x maw tgk green hornet sbb dh juz un3D ar..bkn aq yg dh tgk tp mmbr aq....hahha...piki pnye piki..try p ar tgk 3D version..leh cri pngalaman ckit..

pstu g bli je lah tiket tuh...sowg 18..ok ar tuh erk!!...time tuh bwu 9 lbh..cite mle pkul 10.50...x taw nk wat pe stu jam tuh...sje g kt CC..nk btle FIFA 10...sbb ary tuh aq dh klh ngn naim..nih nk btle blek ar...x pe ar..sewa jap singgit..ehehhe...lwn pnye lwn...msuk 1-1..kne men pnalti...pnalti plak smp 7-7...x dn nk tndang bola..tbe2 kuar alert kt monitor tuh.."3,2,1..blah2...mse tmat", game mlm tuh trgendala ar...

elok jeh abis tuh..trus ar lari nk p msuk cinema...smp kat hall dye..heran jgk asal owg amai sgt..tgk2 sgnboard tuh tunda 10 minit jap...x pe ar tgu je lah...nk tgk pnye psal..x tgk rugi plak..juz 10m only..ciput pnye hal ar..hehhe...smntra nk tgu tuh igt nk beli pop-corn ka ayaq ka...tgk Q pn srupa jgk..pnjng brjela..pkt x jdi ar..

lst2 dpt jgk msuk...awal2 tgk spec 3D tuh mcm hat jual kt psar mlm ja..hat bdk2 dok pkai tuh...bsar pn leh kta pkai sengal btang hdung uh..addesss..nk bka spec tuh screen kabur ja..mmg format dye cm tuh...
tp cite dye mmg gmpak ar...leh ktekn gerne dye action,comedy n crime ar... 

Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles' "The Daily Sentinel" after the sudden death of his father. Britt's party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero "The Green Hornet".


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