Pengurusan Emosi Trader FOREX.

Pernah Dengar "Pengurusan Emosi" ? atau mungkin anda baru saja mendengar sekarang ?
Diluar dari analisa teknikal, analisa fundamental, risk management sebenarnya masih ada lagi yaitu "Emosi". Trader semestinya tahu bagaimana menempatkan emosinya ketika trading, kerana bila emosi sampai melibatkan waktu trading maka......... (anda boleh mengetahui sendiri).
Kemungkinan besar emosi akan sukar dikendalikan ketika anda mengalami kerugian(loss). sebab emosi yang tidak stabil itulah yang mula timbul perasaan tak sabar, merasa kalah dan merasa hebat membaca pergerakan market. Lalu apa yang akan terjadi ketika itu ? .......... (anda boleh mengetahui sendiri).
Bila dalam keadaan loss, kebanyakan trader baru atau bahkan trader yang sudah lama pun cenderung lupa akan strategi yang harus mereka gunakan. Kerana emosi itulah trader yang mula melakukan "Eksperimen sendiri". Akibatnya, kebanyakan trader malah loss lagi dan lagi (cer sebut Lagi laju-laju). grin emoticon Niatnya confirm tutup kerugian(loss) dengan cara open trade/open posisi lagi, tapi semakin tambah rugi(loss) adess!!! merungut lagi hahaha..
Kemudian caranya bagaimana ? "Jangan hilangkan emosi tapi cuba kita kawal emosi tersebut" (kalau emosi takde langsung parah dah tu hahahaha).
Ketika mula merasa emosi sudah yang mula merasuk pikiran anda, matikan monitor/android/iphone/tab/ipad dan berjalan keluar rumah/apartemen/kondo/dimana saja sambil menarik nafas panjang, jalan-jalan kecil atau lakukan apapun yang sekiranya membuatkan anda lebih tenang lagi.(tips saya: ambil air sembahyang, perbanyakkan zikirullah tenang dalam maka tenang keseluruhannya) mudah bukan?? nampak je mudah wink emoticon
Jika anda merasa susah untuk menepis emosi, karakter anda lah yang harus dikembangkan. Karena sejatinya emosi tetap menjadi bagian dari diri kita, dan itulah menariknya di trading. Kenapa jadi menarik ? kerana trading itu sendiri memiliki nyawa (emosi) juga.
Penutupan dengan quotes ahahaha
"Ketika trading, ambilah keputusan yang berlandaskan logika dan bukan emosi sesaat."
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2 option if you want to reach from Singapore to London by land.

Option 1

If I start from Singapore (the tip of the Malayan peninsula), I will take a train to Butterworth in Malaysia followed by a train from Butterworth to Bangkok. From Bangkok, I will take a train to Udon Thani so that I can cross over to Vientiane (Laos) by Bus. From Vientiane, I will travel by bus to Hanoi then continue my train journey to Kunming and head straight to Beijing. From Beijing I will take a train to Urumqi in the Xinjiang province then follow it up with a weekend train ride into Almaty (Kazakhstan). I will then take another train from Almaty to Moscow, followed by Moscow to St. Petersburg and finally from St. Petersburg to Germany.
I will give myself approximately two months. This includes rest in between the trips, and cater for technical and unexpected delays. I think there is a chance that it might take you a 1 1/2 months, but I highly advice against pushing it too short a time frame as immigration and customs might be nasty along some of the borders (i.e. bribes, long queues, etc.).
Inclusive of visas, food and rooms at hostels/guesthouses along the journey, I would set aside aboutUS$2,000 for the entire trip. Some immigration officials (especially along the Laos border) would request for a fee for immigration clearance, and that is taking into account as well for the amount I mentioned.

Option 2

I have attempted to travel from Singapore to London overland, and in the end abort the trip when I reached Astana, Kazakhstan. My itinerary is as follows:
  1. Singapore
  2. Kuala Lumpur - via bus transfer from Aeroline
  3. Butterworth - via train from KL
  4. Hatyai - via cab and car transfer from Butterworth
  5. Bangkok - via train from Hatyai
  6. Aranyaprathet and Poipet (border town of Bangkok-Cambodia) - via car transfer
  7. Siem Reap - via car transfer from Poipet
  8. Phnom Penh - via car transfer from Siem Reap
  9. Ho Chi Minh City - via bus
  10. Hanoi - via train
  11. Nanning - via train
  12. Beijing - via train
  13. Xi'an - via train
  14. Urumqi - via train
  15. Almaty - via train
  16. Astana - via train
From Astana, you can book a train to Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and went on further to Europe.
From Singapore onwards, I would say set aside about USD5,000 to USD6,000 to be safe, depending on your preferences. I have land myself in several scams as I have no choice but to make the payment. Guess that's part and parcel of learning while travelling. Also, long-distance travel on train can be rather tiring and exhausting. So you might not even want to choose the cheapest alternative all the time. One issue with China trains is that if you are rushing, it is difficult for you to book the tickets that you want as well.
I set aside two months to complete the whole journey. In the end, we took slightly more than one month to reach Astana. My take is two months might be a little too rush, given that you might not always go according to your plan. During this trip, I have cancelled several destinations due to inability to find the transport, and end up staying in one city longer than expected. Still, I think this is the beauty of a long distance trip like this.


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